(e). Kyu 6
Requirements for Kyu 6 Blue Belt
Heian Yodan
Hook kick with back fist
Fake jump spinning inside
crescent with back fist
Move across floor with alternating kicks
Front leg sweeps
Street defensive posture with fence
Strikes & Kicks (See Bottom)
Questions & Answers
Why do we bow at the begin and end of class?
Why is it important to come to class regularly?
When and where do we use the techniques we learn in class?
What does the name of our dojo mean?
What is your interpretation of "escaping safely?"
*Kyu 8 & Above:
Must follow up with counter attack
De-escalation techniques from "What are you looking at?" and non-verbal aggression
Demonstrate escaping safely
Head lock from behind and side
De-escalation with appropriate use of force
Any combination asked
Inside Ridge Hand
Outside Ridge Hand
Half Punch
Vertical Spear Hand
Horizontal Spear Hand
Vertical Elbow Strike
Horizontal Elbow Strike
Three Zone Strike
Finger-eye rake
Thumb Strike
Palm-heel Strike
Tiger Claw
Center Punch
Back Fist
Cupped Hands to the Ears
Knife Hand Chop
Front Kick
Side Kick
Round Kick
Inside Crescent
Outside Crescent
Jumping Front Kick
Fake Jumping Front Kick
Hook Kick
Knee strike
Double Round Kick
Leg Sweep
Back Kick
Ax Kick
Spining Heel Kick
Spinning Side Kick